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26 May 2024

I, Clara with Lucy Parham and Dame Harriet Walter

Stapleford Granary
Bury Road
CB22 5BP

There will not be an interval during the performance. Concert ends at 9pm. There is an accessible toilet at the Granary.

Doors & bar 6pm | Concert 7:45pm
Tickets £24 / £12 (under 25)
Family friendly
Wheelchair access
Cycle racks

This concert is now sold out, please see the website for other events.

Created to celebrate 200 years since Clara Schumann’s birth in 1819, “I, Clara” tells her extraordinary life story in her own words.

Clara was a truly exceptional woman, not just a devoted wife to the composer Robert Schumann, but a ground-breaking musician in her own right. Over a period of 60 years, she gave over 1,500 concerts and determined the format of the kind of piano recital familiar to us today.

Drawn from letters and diaries, the narration is interspersed with live performances of her works, as well as music by Robert Schumann, Brahms, Liszt, Mendelssohn, and Chopin. The narrator for this performance is acclaimed actress Dame Harriet Walter.

Pre-concert food will be available to purchase. Ticket holders will be sent an email a week before the date of the concert with details of the menu and information on ordering.

Please see the website for more information and to book tickets.

I, Clara

Stapleford Granary
Bury Road
CB22 5BP

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